Aven Mazauric - Vasque de la Fontaine

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Discharge at Aven Mazauric (m3/s)

Data manager: BRGM - quality-controlled data


Water temperature at Aven Mazauric (°C)

Data manager: BRGM - quality-controlled data


Water conductivity at Aven Mazauric (µS/cm)

Data manager: BRGM - quality-controlled data

Série temporelle Niveau de données Type Généalogie Station Gestionnaire Min Max Moy Date de début Date de fin
Aven Mazauric - Daily discharge of the Fontaine de Nîmes Sp. - automatic measurement Derived products auto Daily averaged discharge using water level measurements and a rating curve (table) Aven Mazauric BRGM 0 m3/s 16 m3/s 0.5 m3/s 1998-10-29 2023-10-12
Aven Mazauric - Specific conductance - automatic measurement Quality-controlled data auto From 04/10/2004 to 11/11/2018 : WTW Temperature and conductivity sensor Since 11/11/2018 : PTEC SEBA pressure sensor with capillary tube (relative pressure sensor) Aven Mazauric BRGM 24 µS/cm 1201 µS/cm 822.2 µS/cm 2010-06-16 2023-10-24
Aven Mazauric - Water temperature - automatic measurement Quality-controlled data auto From 28/10/1998 to 02/07/2004 : OTT Orphimede Pressure/temperature sensor From 04/10/2004 to 11/11/2018 : WTW Temperature and conductivity sensor Since 11/11/2018 : PTEC SEBA pressure sensor with capillary tube (relative pressure sensor) Aven Mazauric BRGM 13 °C 19 °C 15 °C 2004-10-06 2023-10-24