Fontaine de Vaucluse

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Hourly discharge of Fontaine de Vaucluse at [Moulin] station (m3/s)

Data producer: SPC Grand Delta - Quality-controlled data


Daily water table elevation at Fontaine de Vaucluse at [sorgomètre] station (m ASL)

Data producer: DREAL PACA - Quality-controlled data

Série temporelle Niveau de données Type Généalogie Station Gestionnaire Min Max Moy Date de début Date de fin
Hourly discharge of Fontaine de Vaucluse at the [Moulin] station Quality-controlled data auto Data acquisition is performed by DREAL. La Sorgue à Fontaine de Vaucluse [Moulin] SPC Grand Delta 0 m3/s 62 m3/s 14.7 m3/s 2005-05-09 2013-04-18
Daily readings Fontaine de Vaucluse water table elevation at the [Sorgomètre] station Quality-controlled data manual Daily readings are performed by a BRGM operator. Data is available at daily time step. Reading hour is not available. La Sorgue à Fontaine de Vaucluse [Sorgomètre] DREAL PACA 83 m ASL 108 m ASL 97.4 m ASL 1966-01-01 2019-04-30