Abundance of taxon Acanthoica quattrospina (Acanthoica quattrospina) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Akashiwo sanguinea (Akashiwo sanguinea) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Alexandrium (Alexandrium sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Amphora (Amphora sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Ankistrodesmus (Ankistrodesmus sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp5) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium pyriforme (Protoperidinium sp8 cf pyriforme) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp9) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium steinii (Protoperidinium steinii) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium thorianum (Protoperidinium thorianum) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Pseudanabaena limnetica (Pseudanabaena cf limnetica) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Aphanothece (Aphanothece sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Asterionellopsis glacialis (Asterionellopsis glacialis) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacillaria paxillifera (Bacillaria paxillifera syn. b. paradoxa) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacteriastrum (Bacteriastrum sp1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacteriastrum (Bacteriastrum sp2) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacteriastrum (Bacteriastrum sp3) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Calciosolenia brasiliensis (Calciosolenia brasiliensis) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Calciosolenia murrayi (Calciosolenia murrayi) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Centrique 7) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Centrique spp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Cerataulina pelagica (Cerataulina pelagica) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Ceratoneis closterium (Ceratoneis closterium) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bicosoeca (Cf bicosoeca sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Guinardia flaccida (Cf guinardia flaccida) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Melosira nummuloides (Cf melosira nummuloides) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros ceratosporus var. brachysetus (Chaetoceros ceratosporus var. brachysetus) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros didymus (Chaetoceros didymus) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros (Chaetoceros sp10) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros (Chaetoceros sp2) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros (Chaetoceros sp4) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros (Chaetoceros sp5) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros (Chaetoceros sp6) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros (Chaetoceros spp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros tenuissimus (Chaetoceros tenuissimus) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chroococcus (Chroococcus sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chrysophyceae (Chrysophycée 2) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Rhabdosphaeraceae (Coccolithophoride 1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Cocconeis (Cocconeis sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Cochlodinium (Cochlodinium sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Coronosphaera mediterranea (Coronosphaera mediterranea) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Corymbellus aureus (Corymbellus aureus) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Coscinodiscus (Coscinodiscus spp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Cymbella (Cymbella sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Dactyliosolen fragilissimus (Dactyliosolen fragilissimus) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Diatoma (Diatoma sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Dictyocha fibula (Dictyocha fibula) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Dinophyceae (Dino 4) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Dinophyceae (Dino 5) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Dinobryon belgicae (Dinobryon belgicae) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Dinophysis acuminata (Dinophysis acuminata) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Diploneis (Diploneis sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Ditylum brightwellii (Ditylum brightwellii) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Emiliania huxleyi (Emiliania huxleyi) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Eucampia (Eucampia sp1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Eucampia (Eucampia sp2) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Eutreptiella braarudii (Eutreptiella braarudii) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Gonyaulax digitale (Gonyaulax digitale) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Gonyaulax polygramma (Gonyaulax polygramma) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Gonyaulax spinifera (Gonyaulax spinifera) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Guinardia striata (Guinardia striata) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Gymnodinium (Gymnodinium sp5) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Gyrodinium (Gyrodinium sp2 cf pepo) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Gyrodinium spirale (Gyrodinium spirale) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Heterocapsa minima (Heterocapsa minima) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Heterocapsa niei (Heterocapsa niei) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Heterocapsa (Heterocapsa sp2) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Heterocapsa triquetra (Heterocapsa triquetra) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Jaaginema (Jaaginema sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Leptocylindrus danicus (Leptocylindrus danicus) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Leptocylindrus minimus (Leptocylindrus minimus) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Licmophora (Licmophora sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Lyngbya (Lyngbya cf salina) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chrysochromulina (Microflagellé 11) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chroomonadaceae (Microflagellé 2) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Pyrenomonadaceae (Microflagellé 3) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Chlorodendraceae (Microflagellé 6) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Codosigidae (Microflagellé 7) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon NA (Microflagellé 8) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Navicula (Navicula sp1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Navicula (Navicula sp2) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon NA (Nd a) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon NA (Nd b) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon NA (Nd c) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Dinophyceae (Nd f) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon NA (Nd g) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Nematodinium (Nematodinium sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Neoceratium furca (Neoceratium furca) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Neoceratium fusus (Neoceratium fusus) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Nitzschia longissima (Nitzschia longissima) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Nitzschia (Nitzschia sp2) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Nitzschia (Nitzschia sp3) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Nitzschia (Nitzschia sp4 filiformis) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Oblea rotunda (Oblea rotunda) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Odontella mobiliensis (Odontella mobiliensis) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Ollicola vangoorii (Ollicola vangoorii) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Oscillatoria (Oscillatoria sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Ostreococcus tauri (Ostreococcus tauri) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Oxytoxum (Oxytoxum sp1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Paralia sulcata (Paralia sulcata) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 10) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 11) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 12) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 13) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 14) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 6) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 9) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Peridinium quinquecorne (Peridinium quinquecorne) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Plagioselmis prolonga (Plagioselmis prolonga) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Pleurosigma (Pleurosigma sp1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Pleurosigma (Pleurosigma sp2) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Pleurosigma (Pleurosigma sp3) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Preperidinium meunieri (Preperidinium meunieri) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Proboscia alata (Proboscia alata) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Prorocentrum arcuatum (Prorocentrum arcuatum) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Prorocentrum lima (Prorocentrum lima) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Prorocentrum micans (Prorocentrum micans) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Prorocentrum (Prorocentrum sp5) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Prorocentrum triestinum (Prorocentrum triestinum) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoceratium reticulatum (Protoceratium reticulatum syn. gonyaulax grindleyi) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium americanum (Protoperidinium americanum) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium bipes (Protoperidinium bipes) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium claudicans (Protoperidinium claudicans) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium conicum (Protoperidinium conicum) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium denticulatum (Protoperidinium denticulatum) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium diabolum (Protoperidinium diabolum) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium pallidum (Protoperidinium pallidum) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp10) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp12) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp13) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp14) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp15) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp16) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp17) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp2) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima (Pseudonitzschia delicatissima) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Pseudo-nitzschia (Pseudonitzschia seriata complex) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Pseudopedinella (Pseudopedinella sp ) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Pyramimonas plurioculata (Pyramimonas plurioculata) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Rhizosolenia imbricata (Rhizosolenia imbricata) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Rhizosolenia (Rhizosolenia sp1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Scenedesmus (Scenedesmus sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Scrippsiella (Scrippsiella spp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Scrippsiella trochoidea (Scrippsiella trochoidea) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Skeletonema costatum (Skeletonema costatum) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Spirulina (Spirulina sp1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Synedra (Synedra sp1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Synedra (Synedra sp2) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Syracosphaera (Syracosphaera sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Protoperidiniaceae (Taxon oblea 1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Taxon pennée 1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Thalassionema nitzschioides (Thalassionema sp3 cf nitzschioides) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Thalassionema (Thalassionema sp4) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Thalassionema frauenfeldii (Thalassionema sp5 cf frauenfeldii) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Thalassiosira (Thalassiosira sp1) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Thalassiosira (Thalassiosira sp2) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Thalassiosira (Thalassiosira sp4) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Triceratium (Triceratium sp) (cell.L-1)

Abundance of taxon Tryblionella compressa (Tryblionella compressa) (cell.L-1)

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Toute utilisation de données distribuées par l’OSU OREME sur le portail data.oreme.org impose à minima le respect des conditions suivantes :- Respecter les conditions imposées par la licence sous laquelle les données sont distribuées ;
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Cette œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0).
Bonnet, Delphine; Crochemore, Sandrine; Roques, Cécile; Hatey, Elise; Got, Patrice; Carré, Claire; Fabre, Juliette; Lobry, Olivier (2022). Plankton communities long term dynamics in Thau lagoon. OSU OREME. (Dataset). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15148/762d02eb-82dc-46f4-b231-b67f3819a8ad
Conditions d'utilisation spécifiques
Pour toute utilisation des données relatives aux communautés microbiennes de l'étang de Thau, merci de citer dans les remerciements l'OSU OREME. Nous vous conseillons de contacter la personne ressource des données utilisées pour discuter avec elle de l'acquisition et de l'exploitation des données. Finalement si votre travail aboutit à une publication, merci de nous en communiquer la version PDF.
- Delphine Bonnet ( UMR MARine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation (MARBEC))
Onglet | Données | |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Acanthoica quattrospina (Acanthoica quattrospina) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Akashiwo sanguinea (Akashiwo sanguinea) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Alexandrium (Alexandrium sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Amphora (Amphora sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Ankistrodesmus (Ankistrodesmus sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp5) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium pyriforme (Protoperidinium sp8 cf pyriforme) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp9) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium steinii (Protoperidinium steinii) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium thorianum (Protoperidinium thorianum) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Pseudanabaena limnetica (Pseudanabaena cf limnetica) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Aphanothece (Aphanothece sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Asterionellopsis glacialis (Asterionellopsis glacialis) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacillaria paxillifera (Bacillaria paxillifera syn. b. paradoxa) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacteriastrum (Bacteriastrum sp1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacteriastrum (Bacteriastrum sp2) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacteriastrum (Bacteriastrum sp3) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Calciosolenia brasiliensis (Calciosolenia brasiliensis) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Calciosolenia murrayi (Calciosolenia murrayi) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Centrique 7) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Centrique spp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Cerataulina pelagica (Cerataulina pelagica) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Ceratoneis closterium (Ceratoneis closterium) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bicosoeca (Cf bicosoeca sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Guinardia flaccida (Cf guinardia flaccida) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Melosira nummuloides (Cf melosira nummuloides) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros ceratosporus var. brachysetus (Chaetoceros ceratosporus var. brachysetus) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros didymus (Chaetoceros didymus) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros (Chaetoceros sp10) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros (Chaetoceros sp2) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros (Chaetoceros sp4) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros (Chaetoceros sp5) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros (Chaetoceros sp6) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros (Chaetoceros spp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chaetoceros tenuissimus (Chaetoceros tenuissimus) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chroococcus (Chroococcus sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chrysophyceae (Chrysophycée 2) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Rhabdosphaeraceae (Coccolithophoride 1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Cocconeis (Cocconeis sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Cochlodinium (Cochlodinium sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Coronosphaera mediterranea (Coronosphaera mediterranea) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Corymbellus aureus (Corymbellus aureus) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Coscinodiscus (Coscinodiscus spp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Cymbella (Cymbella sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Dactyliosolen fragilissimus (Dactyliosolen fragilissimus) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Diatoma (Diatoma sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Dictyocha fibula (Dictyocha fibula) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Dinophyceae (Dino 4) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Dinophyceae (Dino 5) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Dinobryon belgicae (Dinobryon belgicae) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Dinophysis acuminata (Dinophysis acuminata) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Diploneis (Diploneis sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Ditylum brightwellii (Ditylum brightwellii) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Emiliania huxleyi (Emiliania huxleyi) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Eucampia (Eucampia sp1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Eucampia (Eucampia sp2) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Eutreptiella braarudii (Eutreptiella braarudii) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Gonyaulax digitale (Gonyaulax digitale) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Gonyaulax polygramma (Gonyaulax polygramma) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Gonyaulax spinifera (Gonyaulax spinifera) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Guinardia striata (Guinardia striata) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Gymnodinium (Gymnodinium sp5) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Gyrodinium (Gyrodinium sp2 cf pepo) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Gyrodinium spirale (Gyrodinium spirale) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Heterocapsa minima (Heterocapsa minima) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Heterocapsa niei (Heterocapsa niei) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Heterocapsa (Heterocapsa sp2) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Heterocapsa triquetra (Heterocapsa triquetra) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Jaaginema (Jaaginema sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Leptocylindrus danicus (Leptocylindrus danicus) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Leptocylindrus minimus (Leptocylindrus minimus) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Licmophora (Licmophora sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Lyngbya (Lyngbya cf salina) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chrysochromulina (Microflagellé 11) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chroomonadaceae (Microflagellé 2) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Pyrenomonadaceae (Microflagellé 3) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Chlorodendraceae (Microflagellé 6) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Codosigidae (Microflagellé 7) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon NA (Microflagellé 8) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Navicula (Navicula sp1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Navicula (Navicula sp2) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon NA (Nd a) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon NA (Nd b) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon NA (Nd c) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Dinophyceae (Nd f) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon NA (Nd g) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Nematodinium (Nematodinium sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Neoceratium furca (Neoceratium furca) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Neoceratium fusus (Neoceratium fusus) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Nitzschia longissima (Nitzschia longissima) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Nitzschia (Nitzschia sp2) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Nitzschia (Nitzschia sp3) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Nitzschia (Nitzschia sp4 filiformis) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Oblea rotunda (Oblea rotunda) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Odontella mobiliensis (Odontella mobiliensis) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Ollicola vangoorii (Ollicola vangoorii) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Oscillatoria (Oscillatoria sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Ostreococcus tauri (Ostreococcus tauri) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Oxytoxum (Oxytoxum sp1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Paralia sulcata (Paralia sulcata) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 10) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 11) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 12) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 13) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 14) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 6) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Pennée 9) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Peridinium quinquecorne (Peridinium quinquecorne) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Plagioselmis prolonga (Plagioselmis prolonga) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Pleurosigma (Pleurosigma sp1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Pleurosigma (Pleurosigma sp2) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Pleurosigma (Pleurosigma sp3) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Preperidinium meunieri (Preperidinium meunieri) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Proboscia alata (Proboscia alata) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Prorocentrum arcuatum (Prorocentrum arcuatum) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Prorocentrum lima (Prorocentrum lima) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Prorocentrum micans (Prorocentrum micans) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Prorocentrum (Prorocentrum sp5) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Prorocentrum triestinum (Prorocentrum triestinum) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoceratium reticulatum (Protoceratium reticulatum syn. gonyaulax grindleyi) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium americanum (Protoperidinium americanum) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium bipes (Protoperidinium bipes) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium claudicans (Protoperidinium claudicans) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium conicum (Protoperidinium conicum) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium denticulatum (Protoperidinium denticulatum) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium diabolum (Protoperidinium diabolum) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium pallidum (Protoperidinium pallidum) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp10) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp12) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp13) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp14) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp15) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp16) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp17) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidinium (Protoperidinium sp2) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima (Pseudonitzschia delicatissima) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Pseudo-nitzschia (Pseudonitzschia seriata complex) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Pseudopedinella (Pseudopedinella sp ) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Pyramimonas plurioculata (Pyramimonas plurioculata) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Rhizosolenia imbricata (Rhizosolenia imbricata) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Rhizosolenia (Rhizosolenia sp1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Scenedesmus (Scenedesmus sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Scrippsiella (Scrippsiella spp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Scrippsiella trochoidea (Scrippsiella trochoidea) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Skeletonema costatum (Skeletonema costatum) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Spirulina (Spirulina sp1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Synedra (Synedra sp1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Synedra (Synedra sp2) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Syracosphaera (Syracosphaera sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Protoperidiniaceae (Taxon oblea 1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Bacillariophyceae (Taxon pennée 1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Thalassionema nitzschioides (Thalassionema sp3 cf nitzschioides) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Thalassionema (Thalassionema sp4) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Thalassionema frauenfeldii (Thalassionema sp5 cf frauenfeldii) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Thalassiosira (Thalassiosira sp1) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Thalassiosira (Thalassiosira sp2) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Thalassiosira (Thalassiosira sp4) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Triceratium (Triceratium sp) | Télécharger |
Micro and nano-phytoplankton | Abundance of taxon Tryblionella compressa (Tryblionella compressa) | Télécharger |
Tous | Informations supplémentaires | Télécharger |
Tous | Conditions d'utilisation | Télécharger |
Tous | Tous les fichiers | Télécharger |